Vatican journalists crowded into the Holy See Press Office on Saturday to get an update on the pontiff's health after taking a turn for the worse.
There has long been a Vatican taboo against openly talking about a conclave when a pope is sick: It’s considered gauche to ...
And there are no specific norms outlining what happens to the leadership of the Catholic Church if a pope becomes totally incapacitated. As a result, even though Pope Francis remains ...
The changes Francis brought to the papacy were more than skin deep. He opened the church to the outside world in ways none of ...
While the Vatican has detailed laws and rituals to ensure the transfer of power when a pope dies or resigns, they do not ...
On a recent weekend in this once deeply Catholic city, many expressed worry about Pope Francis, but there was also an air of ...
Pope Francis spent a peaceful night and is resting after he suffered a bronchial crisis that caused a sudden worsening of his ...