Col. Anthony Bianchi was found guilty of one charge of failing to stop at a stop sign. He has submitted his retirement ...
In fact, many celebrities enlisted in the US military before and after fame. Former NFL star Pat Tillman declined a contract ...
Pentagon officials pressured Senators to approve the nomination of Lt. Gen. Ronald Clark to a top Army role in the Pacific.
Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville recently resorted to his previously tried and tested strategy of military blockades. This time, ...
Col. Bruce Pulver knows his rank might suggest that he could be an intimidating and stern man, “Yet I'm just a teddy bear ...
"As I've gone through life, I think my greatest purpose in life is to help others along life's journey," said Lt. Gen. Mark ...
Both military tradition and federal law make it clear that claiming military honors one did not earn is a serious violation ...
The Alabama senator triggered controversy by holding up hundreds of military promotions over an abortion access rule in 2023.
With maps and graphics flashing on movie theater-sized screens, top U.S. Army commanders monitored in real time a scenario of ...
Secret aspects of a new pact between Russia and North Korea are more concerning than the missiles that Pyongyang has shipped ...
He was the commander of Israel’s elite 8200 intelligence unit, which critics say played a pivotal role in failing to prevent ...
Trump disrespected the military as president. Why should veterans and servicemembers expect different in a second term? | ...