Bollywood actor Sidharth Malhotra celebrated his 40th birthday in Delhi. A photo, featuring his wife Kiara Advani and a friend, twinning in black outfits, is now going viral.
The post, needless to say, received thumbs-up from many of her industry friends which included celebrity designers like Manish Malhotra and Falguni – Shane Peacock. Apart from them, the social ...
Bollywood’s beloved heartthrob, Sidharth Malhotra, is celebrating his birthday today, January 16, 2025, and his wife, Kiara Advani, made the day even more memorable with a touching Instagram post.
Kiara Advani ... other hand, Sidharth wore an ivory and golden bandhgala which was heavily embroidered, along with a stole and turban. Their outfits were designed by Manish Malhotra, who was ...