Newer feed intake technology available over the last 20 plus years has increased the availability of beef cow feed intake ...
In case you haven't heard, the methane in cow burps is a major source of greenhouse gases. There may be a new way of ...
The feedlot industry continues to find ways to hold inventory levels despite an ever-smaller feeder cattle supply and carcass ...
If you raise them at the same time, you'll get to watch them grow up right alongside each other, and their love for each ...
Feed grain prices on the Prairies stayed relatively steady for the week ended Sept. 25 as low cattle numbers in feedlots and ...
For the past year, Montenegro has been investigating new diets for beef cattle in the Ribeiro Lab at USask, under supervision ...
BESIDES roads or highways, roaming cattle have also found their way into hospitals and supermarkets, says Selangor ...
Canada's cattle herd is shrinking, according to the latest numbers from Statistics Canada, but beef producers in Prince ...
An unusually dry summer and a smaller hay yield has farmers wondering if they have enough forage to last until the spring.
Placements of cattle into U.S. feedlots during August were down slightly on the year. The USDA says those placements were 1% ...
Texas A&M's Department of Agricultural Economics is modernizing a database program to help beef cattle producers make ...
The sea cow is in danger, but a new program in Mozambique's Bazaruto Archipelago National Park has been launched in an ...