Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
A film worker is suing Disney for $10 billion, claiming the "Moana" franchise shares "breathtaking" similarities to work he ...
Buck Woodall claims the awards contender stole ideas from a screenplay he wrote, while Disney says the works aren't similar.
Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 animated hit, premiered exclusively in theaters on Nov. 27.
Animator Buck Woodall has sued Disney, alleging the company copied elements of his screenplay for "Bucky" to create "Moana" ...
Animator Buck Woodall claims former Mandeville Films development director Jenny Marchick passed his "substantially similar" ...
Buck Woodall claimed in his lawsuit that Disney's Moana franchise exhibits “breathtaking” similarities to his script for ...
Disney has been sued for $10 billion by an animator named Buck Woodall, who claims film producer Jenny Marchick conspired ...
On Friday, animator Buck Woodall sought legal action against Disney, accusing the company of copying components of an ...
Animator Buck Woodall has filed a $10 billion lawsuit against Disney, claiming the company copied elements of his animated ...
Two Disney tentpoles, “ Mufasa: The Lion King ” and “ Moana 2 ,” are crossing major box office milestones. “Mufasa” has ...