The group in Peterborough have been working their way to achieving a Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award. The awards aim to help young people discover passions, gain skills and build resilience and ...
Liberal Democrat MP for Horsham John Milne on the restrictions local planning authorities face have caused a deficit of GP ...
The Department for Education (DfE) is set to unveil a £15.4bn construction framework, it has announced. The new framework is ...
Zara is now part of an esteemed group of 35 DofE Award holders, aged 16-24, selected from across the UK who will champion the voices of young people, using their knowledge and experiences to ...
I asked students who were participating how they have found the DofE experience so far: 'It has opened doors up to so many new opportunities through the different sections e.g. giving back to the ...
Channel 4 has partnered with the Department for Education and MG OMD for a second time this year on a new branded ...
Chatterbox’s Tom Brett, 21, is working towards his DofE Silver Award. Tom helped to host The Duke, and said: “It was amazing ...
Sam Curwen from Dursley, Gloucestershire, completed his Gold Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) award through the Bristol and Gloucestershire Air Cadets. He described the experience as incredible and ...
A record-breaking number of young people started their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award across the UK in 2023-24 – with more than 330,000 starting their DofE and more than 545,000 participating.
Alysha Moat, who teaches PE and Health and Social Care at Smithdon High School, was named as runner-up torch bearer of the year at the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) This is Youth event. Ms Moat ...