By August 7, Johnson unanimously passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in the House of Representatives, a resolution which allowed him to enter war in Southeast Asia. By March, 1965, the first U.S ...
The resolution would give Johnson a virtual blank ... the fifth annual World Assembly of Youth meeting. U.S. patrol in Tonkin Gulf to end soon, Vance says WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 1964 (UPI) - Deputy ...
President Lyndon B. Johnson exploited the vaguely worded Gulf of Tonkin Resolution as justification for pursuing the armed conflict in Vietnam. These significant examples show how war powers have ...
Justified by the attacks, congress rapidly approves the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, giving the President power to wage all-out war against North Vietnam without a formal declaration of war.
The US Congress then passed, with only two dissenting votes, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which authorized the President to take "all necessary measures" to prevent further attacks. This gave the ...
Johnson and Richard M. Nixon undertook military operations in Vietnam, armed with only the vaguely worded congressional approval in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Congressional criticism of that ...
We know that the government under LBJ pushed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution under false pretenses, "authorizing President ...
The international community has voiced protest against China's new moves in the East Sea, including its enforcement of a fishing ban that took effect on May 1 on the sea area covering part of the Gulf ...
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution - US Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson permission to wage war on North Vietnam. The first major contingent of US Marines arrived in 1965. For the next ten years the ...
The resolution would give Johnson a virtual blank ... the fifth annual World Assembly of Youth meeting. U.S. patrol in Tonkin Gulf to end soon, Vance says WASHINGTON, Aug. 8, 1964 (UPI) - Deputy ...