The expedition's lead archaeologist announced the find at the Archaeological Institute of America's annual meeting.
Madrid is not just a sprawling capital city, but a vast province that sweeps across the central Spanish plain to the Sierra ...
The wholesale revision of the calendar largely eliminated a long-developed sense of time and season which helped sanctify ...
The geographic area we now call Iraq has long sat between empires as a battleground, bridge or frontier ...
(Quran 17:1) It is significant that the area of the ruins of the Jerusalem Temple was the site of Prophet ... and the rites which Ibrahim had established there were completely distorted by the pagan ...
Like Sicily, Sardinia was merged with Italy in 1861, but even today most islanders will proudly describe themselves as ...
Fred Trump himself was a successful and cutthroat developer, with the sense of thrift, scarcity, and urgency typical of first ...
They are pious folk who take God or the gods for granted, even as they trust regional lore about dragons and trolls and fair ...
Psalm 137:1-4 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. There on the poplars we hung our harps, for ...
The production Isaiah dramatically portrays in the first-ever Jamaican operatic production in reggae style music, how love ...
Taking over Palestinian historical sites and turning them into Israeli tourist attractions is just another way the occupation ...