TOKYO (AP) — It's not clear if pitcher Roki Sasaki — the next big thing out of Japanese baseball — will move to Major League ...
TOKYO — It’s not clear if pitcher Roki Sasaki - the next big thing out of Japanese baseball - will move to Major League Baseball next season. He turns 23 in early November and his fate is in ...
Roki Sasaki would be one of the most talented players in the upcoming free-agent class if he were available. The 6-foot-2 right-hander has been a star in Japan for the past four seasons.
Sicer je to območje eno najbolj obširnih alpskih pašnih površin, saj tam delujejo kar štiri mlečne planine. Običajno je to območje med konci tedna in čez poletje zelo obiskano. Tu je izhodišče za ...
Roki Sasaki, the 20-year-old ace of the Chiba Lotte Marines, pitched a perfect game on April 10 in a victory over the Orix Buffaloes. He became the first NPB pitcher to throw nine innings without ...
CHIBA—Chiba Lotte Marines’ pitcher Roki Sasaki was nearing an astonishing second straight perfect game, but he was pulled after the eighth inning in a tight game against the Nippon Ham ...
Roki Sasaki, a potential target for the Dodgers, left the game after being hit by a batted ball, but his injury appears minor. Roki Sasaki, the promising Japanese pitcher, was injured during his ...
Andi Mamič ima dolgoletne izkušnje z obravnavo otrok z najhujšimi vedenjskimi težavami. V vzgojnem zavodu Planina je vodja mobilne službe za vzgojo: "Imamo zelo velik delež otrok, pri katerih gre za ...