We went straight to the experts to provide you with the best companion planting guide for your garden ... nasturtiums, calendula, and sunflowers," she says. "Pick flowers with pest-repellent ...
Creating plant communities for mutual benefit is an old gardening tradition. Companion planting isn't just about pest control. By combining plants carefully, plants can help each other in terms of ...
As summer fades into autumn, many gardeners see their sunflowers start to wilt. However, a simple and unexpected trick - companion planting sunflowers with legumes like beans or peas - can keep ...
Transform your garden into a thriving oasis of vitality and abundance with the Guide to Companion Planting. Discover which plants help or hurt each other and how to attract helpful insects or ...
Do tomatoes love basil but hate brussels sprouts? Traditional companion planting, which involves planting different types of plants together or in close proximity, makes many such statements, often ...
As both crops develop, you can gently guide the zucchini vines around the stems ... Finally, it's important to practice healthy gardening habits. While sunflowers and zucchinis are great companion ...
You probably think of sunflowers as being massive plants with huge blooms, and that’s certainly true. But if you live in a small home or have limited outdoor space, you should also know that it ...
In this study, researchers found that sunflowers grown in a dense row naturally formed a near-perfect zigzag pattern, with each plant leaning away from the row in alternating directions.
Hawaiian cultural practitioner Kimokeo Kapahulehua (left) examines a sunflower with Pacific Biodiesel’s owner and President Bob King. They are incorporating traditional Hawaiian planting ...
As summer fades into autumn, many gardeners see their sunflowers start to wilt. However, a simple and unexpected trick - companion planting sunflowers with legumes like beans or peas - can keep them ...