Former prime minister says UK has ‘become very, very focused on mental health and with people self-diagnosing’ ...
Tony Blair has warned British people against self-diagnosing with mental health conditions, pointing to the country's ...
Former Prime Minister Sir Tony Blair has warned against over-medicalising the 'ups and downs' of life. Sir Tony, who served as PM from 1997 to 2007, said there is a danger of telling too many ...
When Andrew Buncombe met the 39th president it was rare for ex-occupants of Oval Office to criticize their successors ...
Newly-released documents show exactly what Tony Blair thought about the 2002 speech that distanced Welsh Labour from the UK ...
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was once crowned the 'word's hottest leader' but now he's stepped down, who will take ...
The Blair government's open borders policy is seen as having caused a surge in net migration, contributing to an anti-EU ...
A landmark speech by Rhodri Morgan setting out his political vision for Wales was privately dismissed as "dreadful nonsense" ...
Papers from the National Archives show Tony Blair was warned of an immigration surge from Eastern Europe following the 2004 ...
In theory, you can get disability benefits without a diagnosis, but the realities of claiming support are often much more ...
Tony Blair's close ally Peter Mandelson is set to become the UK ambassador to the United States, despite previously branding Donald Trump a 'bully' and laying into his 'America First' agenda.
Prime minister ignored advice of Straw and Prescott who feared allowing immediate unrestricted access would lead to a surge ...