LOUISVILLE, Ky. - The Louisville men's basketball program secured a massive commitment on New Year's Day, with Mikel Brown Jr ...
three months before white Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot and killed unarmed black teenager Michael Brown Jr. on Aug. 9. The grand jurors are "the only ones who have heard all the ...
It's been 10 years since Michael Brown Jr. was killed in the streets of Ferguson by a police officer. Artists around St. Louis shared their process of healing and processing the emotions for the ...
Wednesday marks nine years since the fatal shooting of Michael Brown Jr. in Ferguson. City leaders, family members, and community activists gathered that evening to reflect not only on what ...
Brown appeared at the Yum! Center Wednesday during the Louisville-North Carolina game to announce his signing.
Brown is only Kelsey's second high school pledge since being hired at Louisville in March, joining freshman forward Khani Rooths — who is one of five, maybe six, players on the Cards' 2024-25 ...