Here is the high-resolution movie by Koichi Hozan, a videographer living in Nara Prefecture, with exclusive pieces which a pianist, Mine Kawakami, played on the "Hyakunen (100-year-old) Piano.
What You Need to Know: Japan's Yamato, the largest battleship ever constructed, embarked on a one-way mission during the ...
The Yamato-class battleships, constructed by Imperial Japan during World War II, were the largest and most heavily armed battleships ever built. What You Need to Know: The Yamato-class ...
The Yamato was sunk by U.S. carrier-borne aircraft on April 7, 1945, as it sailed toward Okinawa where its commanders were ordered to beach the vessel and use its mighty arsenal as a gun battery.
USA, Oita Prefecture--The last moments of Japan’s mammoth battleship Yamato were captured in extremely rare color footage taken from U.S. military aircraft in World War II, a war-history group said.
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With your Chronicle of Philanthropy subscription, you have full access to GrantStation’s extensive and regularly updated information about private and government funds that can help your organization ...
The Houston Chronicle’s editorial board officially endorsed Vice President Harris in a Friday write-up hours after The Washington Post revealed it would cease presidential endorsements for years ...
What You Need to Know: The Yamato-class battleships were the heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed, designed by Imperial Japan before World War II to assert naval dominance.