As we step into 2025, I hope everyone had a restful holiday season and is feeling energized for the year ahead. January is a time for fresh starts and new goals, and our community is no different.
Arts and Culture Microgrant-supported initiatives throughout the years.
Guidelines for festival and event organizers to communicate their event to the community as part of ensuring a positive event ...
All roadside campaign signs must comply with The City’s Temporary Signs on Highways Bylaw 29M97 (Section 8). If you have concerns about roadside campaign signs, please contact 311 or submit online.
Maximum amount that an individual can contribute per calendar year of the campaign period: $5,000 for council candidates (includes mayor and councillor). $5,000 for public school board candidates.
As the City of Calgary grows, a rail connection to the Calgary International Airport will improve access for those who live, work, and travel within our city. In response to increasing public and ...
Snow stopped falling city-wide on Thursday, January 2 at 7 p.m., which activated The City’s priority snow plan. Crews have completed work on through lanes of Calgary’s high-volume major roadways, ...
We’re introducing a new bylaw that modernizes how we advertise public hearings of Council. In mid-2023, we are proposing to stop advertising public hearings in The Calgary Herald newspapers in favor ...
Art is the storytelling of a history. Respecting and sharing the unique, local Indigenous traditions, beliefs and practices through public art helps to share Indigenous perspectives and stories. It ...
In partnership with the Government of Alberta, The City of Calgary is undertaking a study to identify the optimal rail connection and route between Downtown Calgary and the Calgary International ...
For the holidays, Wednesday cart pickup will move to Monday. Instead of the usual Wednesday pickup, your blue, black and/or green cart will be collected on: Monday, Dec. 23 and Monday, Dec. 30 Create ...