CIRM is governed by 35 dedicated Californians representing patients, researchers and the biotechnology industry whose knowledge, passion and commitment to CIRM’s mission has guided the organization ...
Members of the public who are listening to the meeting and wish to make a comment will have the opportunity to do so by doing the following: Once we have called for public comment, members of the ...
Members of the public who are listening to the meeting and wish to make a comment will have the opportunity to do so by doing the following: Once we have called for public comment, members of the ...
South San Francisco, CA, August 30, 2024 – The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, one of the world’s largest institutes dedicated to regenerative medicine, approved $67.5 million to ...
Un premio de 12 millones de dólares a un equipo de investigadores dirigido por Alex Pollen, PhD, profesor adjunto de Neurología en la Universidad de California, San Francisco (UCSF), permitirá la ...
Les membres du public qui écoutent la réunion et souhaitent faire un commentaire auront la possibilité de le faire en procédant comme suit : Une fois que nous aurons lancé un appel aux commentaires du ...
Foundation – Discovery Stage Research Projects Qiong Annabel Wang Utilizing Age-Specific Adipocyte Progenitor Cells for Cell Therapy in Older Patients $1,508,997 Research Training Grant Dr. Michael E.
It takes a lot of effort to develop a promising stem cell research idea into an effective treatment that can help patients. CIRM funds a pipeline of projects spanning discovery, translation and ...
Retinal degeneration represents a group of blinding diseases that are increasingly impacting the health and well being of Californians. It is estimated that by 2020, over 450,000 Californians will ...
What is the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)? CIRM, California’s Stem Cell Agency, was created by the voters of California in 2004 when they overwhelmingly passed Proposition 71, ...
There is no shortage of myths and misconceptions when it comes to stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Here we address the most common concerns. If you have more questions that aren’t ...
For details and agenda items please visit our Public Meetings Page.