There can be no gainsaying the fact that we face a crisis in race relations in our nation. This crisis has been precipitate by the collision between the forces of liberation and the forces of ...
IF ONE does not practice nonviolence in one's personal relations with others, and hopes to use it in bigger affairs, one is vastly mistaken. Non-violence like charity must begin at home. But if it is ...
The black plague enhanced my influence with the poor Indians, and increased my business and my responsibility. Some of the new contacts with Europeans became so close that they added considerably to ...
A democratic system requires a set of structures and procedures, but it also needs a democratic culture. The vibrancy in democracy cannot be ensured by merely establishing new structures, a shift from ...
Earth, water, sky, air and fire; these are the five elements (panch mahabhut) which are considered to be very important in the Indian philosophy regarding a way to lead life. It is said that these ...
If it was a train ride that created Gandhi, it was a bus journey that made Martin Luther King. Once, as a kid, king was traveling ling distance on a bus with his teacher when the driver ordered them ...
Mahatma Gandhi had multifaceted personality. His aim in the life was to achieve enlightenment by serving his nation and man kind. He was born in India and so he was of the opinion that it was his ...
So far peace has been conceived and discussed in the context of war in Western thought. But peace can be both a state of mind, as well as a state of society, so that every kind of violence, from world ...
A Place to learn about Gandhi, his life, work & philosophy. This comprehensive site is regularly updated & maintained by non-profit Gandhian Organizations in India & has a wealth of information & ...
It is now time to turn again to my experiences with Christian friends. Mr. Baker was getting anxious about my future. He took me to the Wellington Convention. The Protestant Christians organize such ...
At the root of all-pervasive problem of the crisis of character is the decline of religion. I wish to voice my serious concern over the state of Hinduism as it is found in practice. For the educated ...