This is one of those fast and easy sweet treats that you can make quickly and enjoy for days, as a little goes a long way. My kids love it, and can eat loads of it, while I find one piece is enough, ...
This is something that gets my kids excited. They absolutely love these crunchy potato balls. This recipe came about as I needed to use up leftover mashed potato (I hate waste). I found the recipe in ...
Sometimes the perfect dish is one with simple clean flavours, this is what I think this salad is. This I love on a Sunday afternoon out on the deck with a glass of wine, enjoying the only day of the ...
School holidays are always a relaxing time for me (now that I have learnt to not over book my kids into a million and one activities). Each day we wake up and decide what to do that day, sometimes we ...
Blagoslovnica, Pinca, Sirnica, Fogace, all are names for Croatian Easter bread. Growing up my mum called it Blagoslovnica, so I'm going with that one, it's our tradition (my dad recently told us they ...
Most people have a version of a Tiramisu that they love. I have two. This version is what I call my 'kid friendly' version, as there is not too much alcohol in it. I love the hazelnut chocolate that ...
I made this yesterday for my guests, young and old, they loved it. This is like a Pavlova, however there is no crust. It has a soft marshmallow like base that melts in your mouth. To get it to be like ...
This recipe in my recipe folder is called Duro's Mums Strudel. It is a recipe given to me by a beautiful lady whose cooking I have had the pleasure to try. This is something I make for my family when ...
It's been a few weeks since I last looked at my website. I am currently on holidays in Croatia and I have not really cooked in 5 weeks, well I made spaghetti bolognese once and I made a batch of ...
I have always loved princesses. I grew up watching all the Disney movies. I have also always loved Barbie. So when I got a daughter of my own, I had to make a princess cake, and the princess had to be ...
While we are in plum season, here is another quick and easy plum recipe. This one has only three ingredients and is so simple to make, tastes lovely and it looks beautiful. Now as this recipe only has ...
This is yet another drink me and my husband have taken a liking to. Very refreshing. I bought the cups above as I had seen Moscow Mules served in them elsewhere, I kind of thought they were gimmicky, ...