The notorious barn cat — perched atop a tractor, chasing mice, napping on bales of hay — was a sight once seen on virtually any American farm. Beloved for their pest control ...
Today, nearly half of the people who slaughter, butcher and package beef, pork and poultry in America were born elsewhere. In some packing houses, more than four dozen languages are spoken. In ...
Five of the six dairy herds infected with the H5N1 avian flu virus this month are in California, all in the past week and all in the Central Valley. State officials said those herds were part of a ...
The traditional urban and rural coalition that carried the farm bill to passage in the past is losing its appeal, said farm policy expert Jonathan Coppess on the farmdoc daily blog, pointing to ...
I’m excited to announce that our latest story, out this morning, is our first in partnership with The New York Times. At FERN, our mission is to transform the food system through powerful journalism ...
Former president Donald Trump said in a questionnaire released on Thursday that he would use “every tool at my disposal,” including tariffs, to expand U.S. food and ag exports if he is re-elected.
U.S. corn exports are climbing for the third year in a row and will be the fourth largest on record this trade year, thanks to the mammoth crop now being harvested and falling market prices, said the ...
The Republican-controlled House swept aside Democratic objections to pass a just-written bill on Wednesday to restrict the purchase of agricultural land by citizens of China, Russia, North Korea, or ...
U.S. food and ag exports might suffer if the government denies 45Z tax credits to foreign feedstocks used in making sustainable aviation fuel, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Tuesday. The ...
Consumers like the goals of regenerative agriculture, but they don’t want to pay more for food produced with the climate-friendly practices, said a Purdue University survey released on Wednesday.