In the heart of urban living, this 990 sq ft condo apartment in Clement Canopy emerges as a masterpiece of contemporary interior design, meticulously crafted by interior designer Rey from ErStudio.
Embrace colour and define your living spaces with a bold, vibrant colour-zoned approach, as showcased in this condo designed by Wynk Collaborative in 2015. Lilac paint is applied to one wall of the ...
In the world of interior design, simplicity need not equate to sterility, a truth beautifully embodied by this art gallery inspired Cantonment Road condo belonging to Maggie and Dennis Cheok. When the ...
Dry cleaning is the bane of my life. It’s expensive, uses harsh chemicals on your clothing and the dry cleaners always seem to be closed after office hours! ‘Dry-clean-only’ on clothing labels used to ...
Mould is a type of fungus that thrives in damp, humid, and warm environments. It grows in the form of multicellular filaments called hyphae and reproduces through spores that travel through the air.