A quarter of the Dutch population will be over the age of 65 around 2040, Statistics Netherlands has forecast. Currently, over-65s account for 14% of the population in the Netherlands. The Dutch ...
Experts in longevity science disagree on predictions for life-span in the 21st century. Will we continue to grow older or will life-span begin to shorten? In a revealing interview just released today ...
Canada‘s aging population is growing at unprecedented levels. By 2020, the number of Canadians 65 years or older will double from its current level of 3.5 million and the fastest growing segment of ...
The long-held belief that older people perform slower and worse than younger people has been proven wrong. In a study published today in Neuron, psychologists from McMaster University discovered that ...
Although younger women remain the main target for cosmetic companies, the latest report on the UK colour cosmetics and make-up market highlights the growing importance of older women. Changing ...
SCAN Health Plan announced today that it has tapped six of the nation’s foremost geriatric, clinical and health policy experts to help guide the health plan in its offering of geriatric health ...
A new survey takes a look at old folks, health care and the Internet. The poll found that 38 percent of older adults with access to the Internet find it very or somewhat difficult to judge whether ...
69 % des seniors pauvres subissent privations et isolement, selon un rapport des Petits Frères des Pauvres. Une lutte urgente ...
Aujourd’hui, je voudrais vous parler de l’événement de l’été, les jeux olympiques et surtout des jeux paralympiques. Par ...
Le PGI conduit l’innovation en gérontologie : réseau d’acteurs diversifié et pluridisciplinaire (plus de 50 personnes morales membres) appuyé par une équipe technique experte, il agit en faveur de ...
Les cadres australiens hésitent à parler de leur prochaine retraite à leurs collègues par peur de mettre en péril leur fin de carrière et d’être marginalisés. C’est l’une des conclusions d’une étude ...