And I know the feeling of freedom can go away at any time — a medical diagnosis, job loss, even relationships. There are many ways mothers can be trapped, and just because I feel some freedom now ...
In my work with parents who are caring for a child with an eating disorder, I’ve become keenly aware of the language we use when talking about kids and food. Our words can shape our attitudes ...
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Last week, a toy catalog appeared in our mailbox. I excitedly ran inside to show my kids, suggesting they go through and circle items that struck their fancy. I remember doing this myself, with ...
Okay, so yes, it is very cold and possibly snowing in December. And camping in the middle of the woods, with the birds singing in the trees, might seem a million miles away. But to your loved one ...
“If I could get an IV of Diet Coke, I would,” Daryl-Ann Denner tells me over Zoom. We’re sitting in our respective kitchens sipping on large Diet Cokes, also known as “LDCs” to the ...
“When you’re sick, rest is best” isn’t just a sweet Daniel Tiger lyric. As a certified overly-anxious mom, it’s also what I have to remind myself whenever my 4-year-old comes down with ...
It was 6 p.m., about a month into my son’s kindergarten year, when an email popped up telling me there’d be a lockdown drill at school the next day. I responded in a fugue state, replying to ...
If you’re a person — of any age and any gender — you have a pelvic floor. And studies show that 1 in 3 women, 1 in 2 women who have given birth, and 16% of men will experience a pelvic floor ...
When Kirsta, a Milwaukee art teacher, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, she started making Instagram reels to vent about her experience as an adoptee. In some of her most-viewed ...
Before Akira arrived, like any pregnant woman having their first child, I had so many preconceived ideas about what motherhood would be like and what my child would be like. I would be a mother ...
When author Edan Lepucki’s son was in the fifth grade, his Los Angeles school went on lockdown. Through his Gizmo watch, he left a voicemail for his mom that pains Lepucki to remember even now.