World Triathlon has a number of sport development educational programs in place that are designed to facilitate all levels from grassroots to Olympic Games level. The following is a brief outline of ...
The Mission of the Athletes’ Committee is to ensure that the athletes’ viewpoint remains at the heart of World Triathlon decisions.
A National Federation wishing to become a Member or Associate Member of World Triathlon, the world governing body for the sport of Triathlon, Para triathlon, and its Related Multisports, needs to meet ...
The World Triathlon Hall of Fame will honour Elite Women, Elite Men, and Lifetime Achievers for their extraordinary achievements during the evolution of World Triathlon and the sport of Triathlon.
Though some participants may have experienced an Activator course as their introduction to Triathlon, the Level 1 coaching course, for most coaches, will be the entry level course. It introduces ...
We want to share with all the community that World Triathlon has in place a Safeguarding and Anti-harassment policy and mechanisms so that anyone, from anywhere, that is in this kind of situation can ...
Anti-Doping requires everyone to play a role in the fight against doping. Gathering intelligence and investigation proved how useful it can be in the fight against doping to detect the cheaters in ... The official triathlon resource. Triathlon event information, news, results, rankings, rules, education, and more from World Triathlon.
The World Triathlon National Federation Survey is being carried out every year to provide a better understanding of affiliated members. The data that we can collect from the survey has been invaluable ...
As part of its commitment to continual learning and development, the World Triathlon has developed a process that supports and encourages coaches to maintain their learning and development. (hereinafter “the Site”) is part of the World Triathlon which operates and manages this sector. By using the Site you (hereinafter “the User”) agree to be legally bound by these terms ...
The role of the World Triathlon Tribunal is to contribute to the protection of integrity and fairness in the sport of Triathlon. It achieves this goal by investigating and prosecuting any breach of ...