"Emerging fields" bundle innovative areas that demonstrate disciplinary strength and collaborative ambition, and which have the potential to shape the future profile of the University. This emerging ...
The 6th Hausdorff Medal was awarded to Gabriel Goldberg (UC Berkeley). The prize is awarded every two years for the most influential work in set theory published in the five years preceding the medal.
Researching responsibly at the University of Münster means complying with ethical and scientific standards and assuming social responsibility for one's actions. This includes following the rules of ...
The Young Professors Programme supports and accompanies junior professors and junior research group leaders in their individual career and personal development as well as in their everyday ...
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has launched the "Bioeconomy International 2025" funding programme. The aim of this programme is to promote international research and development ...
The international.founders Network offers specialised advice to international researchers to encourage them to explore the world of start-ups in the vibrant city of Münster. Headed by the Researchers ...
Neurodevelopmental disorders encompass a range of conditions such as intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, rare genetic disorders and developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, all ...
Our scientific community at the University of Münster and international guests are discussing their research on inflammation and imaging of the immune system this week (September 9 to 11). As part of ...
The English/American studies segment of the dual-subject bachelor's degree programme conveys various professionally relevant skills that are not only significant for the vocational goal of teaching, ...
We are excited to present a new film about Mathematics Münster, offering authentic insights into the work at the Cluster of Excellence. The film highlights the research approach of Mathematics Münster ...
From winter semester 2024/25, the CMTC will offer a flipped classroom course on Research Software Engineering (RSE) for its member groups. For the doctoral students and postdocs of the CMTC, the ...
Ricardo Römhild completed his studies of English, Geography, and Educational Studies at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena in 2015. He has gained experience as an educator for English (as a foreign ...