hâteau de Saint-Pey in Bordeaux has become the innovations lab for the Sarments Vignobles group, which also owns Château Vieux Maillet, de Lussac, Cantereau and Saint-Jean de Lavaud. At the official ...
In 2024, red AOC Bordeaux is again requesting yields of 62 hectolitres per hectare - 50 hl/ha is the authorised level with the balance for regulation purposes - crédit photo : Alexandre Abellan ...
f there’s one thing that irks Bernard Magrez it’s “constantly hearing people say that nowadays there are better wines than Bordeaux. There are enthusiasts around the world who feel that at the very ...
his month, the Bordeaux wine marketing board CIVB is rolling out its new institutional identity ‘Ensemble tous singuliers’, the French equivalent to the international ‘Join the crew’ strapline. The ...
he Bastide de Blacailloux winery – a 110-hectare property in Provence – has invested in a greenhouse which filters its effluents using specific plants grown with an aquaponic system. This innovative ...
The wine tourism and vineyard centre opened on July 9 in Chartre-sur-Loir. It also houses the producers’ organisation and the Sarthe wine development group - crédit photo : ODG Jasnières et Coteaux du ...
n September 9, Bastien Debono, Clément Sommier and Quentin Vauléon stepped onto the final podium when they won the semi-finals of France’s 2024 Best Sommelier competition organised by the French ...
Hot out of the furnace, these bottles were produced using electricity only, which is an industrial first according to Verallia - crédit photo : Alexandre Abellan The first 100% electric furnace ...
L’entreprise toulousaine Micropep Technologies a trouvé des petites protéines composées d’une dizaine d’acides aminés aux ...
Une liquidation éclair a frappé l’institution du vignoble médocain, laissant le champ libre aux rumeurs sur les tensions et transactions avec la Chambre ...
Alors que de premiers prix du vin en vrac circulent en Occitanie, les caves coopératives mettent en garde les négociants sur ...
Aptonyme, l'ancien directeur du syndicat de l'AOC Vouvray prend les rênes de l'interprofession des vins du Centre-Loire avec ...