Wolf Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell from a screenplay by the writing teams of Whannell and Corbett Tuck, and Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo. It is a reboot of the 1941 film The Wolf Man.
Julia Garner says Leigh Whannell made 'Wolf Man' a bit 'scarier' because he keeps the character 'familiar' before making him a monster.
Jason Blum put a silver bullet in his reaction to Wolf Man‘s box office. Blum, a producer on the Leigh Whannell-directed reboot, broke his silence on the film’s underperformance when he posted — and then deleted — a meme to his social media.
The Leigh Whannell-directed film stars Christopher Abbott and Julia Garner. It's a good omen for the new movie year when a fresh take on the werewolf myth comes with expectations of making a killing. And "Wolf Man," now stalking its way through theaters ...
Julia Garner won three Emmys for her work ... one of those “hide from the killer” films. When the husband (Christopher Abbott) has a close encounter, something happens with his DNA and soon ...
Julia Garner is all business and all pleasure as she kicks off her press tour in New York City. The actor was seen out in the Manhattan winter this Wednesday to appear on LIVE with Kelly and Mark, and for the busy day, she dressed up in two totally different, but equally electric, suit looks.
The actor said the fake blood has "a lot of sugar" and the "bone part was, like, white chocolate or something"
Wolf Man 2.5 out of 5 Stars Director: Leigh Whannell Writers: Leigh Whannell, Corbett Tuck, Lauren Schuker Blum, Rebecca Angelo Starring: Christopher Abbott, Julia Garner, Matilda Firth, Sam Jaeger Rated: R for bloody violent content, grisly images and some language.
Christopher Abbott didn't have the expected reaction to seeing himself in the mirror for the first time as "the Wolf Man" of Leigh Whannell 's upcoming horror film.
Wolf Man”—a reboot of Universal Pictures’ legendary werewolf franchise—appears to be headed to digital streaming. Find out when you can watch it at home.
Wolf Man is an upcoming American supernatural horror film directed by Leigh Whannell from a screenplay by the writing teams of Whannell and Corbett Tuck, and Lauren Schuker Blum and Rebecca Angelo. It is a reboot of the 1941 film The Wolf Man.
Wolf Man' reminds us that the best monsters are the ones that mirror our deepest fears—and our capacity to survive them.