The latest installment of the Goosebumps anthology series, inspired by R.L. Stine's children's horror books, hits Hulu with a story set in New York City. The twin protagonists face a family mystery while adjusting to life with their divorced dad.
How does it feel to be known to several different generations for different iconic roles? That is what I wanted to know when I spoke with David Schwimmer about Goosebumps: The Vanishing, the second season of the horror-comedy anthology that was recently released on Disney Plus and Hulu.
The Vanishing, a thrilling Hulu anthology tale blending horror, comedy, and family drama. Here's what to know!
David Schwimmer, who we all know and love as Ross Geller from Friends, talked about a part of his acting past that he had kind of forgotten.
David Schwimmer has looked at his previous career as a process server and remembered one of the more prominent interactions he had on the job.