Patricia Arquette was on-camera Thursday when she found out that David Lynch, who directed her in the 1997 film Lost Highway, had died. She and the cast of Apple TV+ show Severance were being interviewed on SiriusXM's Radio Andy.
Both films feature the director's signature style, with surreal premises and shades of horror, perfect for those eager to dive headfirst in his twisted filmography. Eraserhead was Lynch's first feature-length film,
The late director’s unique vision and the love that his persona inspires make it easy to forget how winding his path to greatness was.
The director developed such a distinct style that “Lynchian” became a go-to term for any sort of surrealism onscreen. These scenes from his work get to the heart of what that term embodied.
Billy Corgan, Scott Ian and more have provided their recollections of working with Lynch, while others have praised his influential works.
The late Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet director’s canon has left a lasting imprint on musicians and sound designers
From Twin Peaks to his films to his own recording career, the director understood how much sound mattered — not only to the audience, but to the characters in his stories.
Numerous leaders in entertainment, celebrities, and former collaborators have mourned the death of revolutionary filmmaker David Lynch.
Oscar-winning filmmaker Martin Scorsese has said it is a “sad day for moviemakers, movie lovers, and for the art of cinema” following the death of “visionary” director David Lynch. The US filmmaker, whose work included surrealist TV series Twin Peaks and films such as The Elephant Man, Mulholland Drive and Blue Velvet, died at the age of 78.
Andy Cohen has come under fire for the tactless way he broke the news of director David Lynch's death during a live interview with the cast of Severance; read
Now here’s something that you can talk about with both your artsy friends and drama-loving mates. During a press interview for Dan Erikson’s sci-fi television drama, Severance, Andy Cohen shocked the cast with the news of renowned film director David Lynch’s death.