MAPUTO – No nos hacemos ilusiones: Mozambique sigue en crisis, a pesar de la toma de posesión de Daniel Chapo como presidente y la constitución de un nuevo parlamento. Aunque las acusaciones generali ...
MADRID, 4 (EUROPA PRESS) El excandidato presidencial y figura clave de las protestas postelectorales en Mozambique, Venancio ...
MADRID, 27 (EUROPA PRESS) La Fiscalía de Mozambique ha abierto una investigación al candidato presidencial Venancio Mondlane ...
Mozambique’s opposition leader Venâncio Mondlane has expressed willingness to join President Daniel Chapo’s government if key demands to resolve the country’s political crisis are met.
Mozambique's main opposition leader Venâncio Mondlane has told the BBC he is prepared to serve in the government if President Daniel Chapo meets his demands to end the political crisis that has ...
Daniel Chapo was sworn in as Mozambique's president despite opposition leader Venancio Mondlane's vow to 'paralyze' the country in protest of the election results. Over 300 people have been killed ...
El líder opositor Venancio Mondlane, con un gran apoyo popular, reclama la victoria en los comicios de octubre pese a que Daniel Chapo ya ha sido investido presidente ...
El libro de memorias Carmen Martín Gaite. Una biografía, del profesor José Teruel, se ha alzado con el Premio Comillas 2025, que otorga la editorial Tusquets. El jurado ha valorado ...
Mozambique President Daniel Chapo’s promises has been criticised by Venâncio Mondlane who says his inauguration was militarised. Image source: GCIS & YouTube screenshot While Daniel Chapo ...
Mr Chapo's party FRELIMO (Frente de Libertaco de Moçambique ... Image: Jordan claims supporters of the opposition politician Venancio Mondlane are being murdered "I am mad!" ...
Chapo was declared winner with 65% of total votes cast, followed by his main rival Venancio Mondlane who received just 20% of the vote, according to the council. The new parliament of 250 ...
Supporters of opposition candidate Venancio Mondlane, who insists he won the vote, have protested for months, sometimes drawing a violent police response. Demonstrations on Wednesday in the capital ...