Tug boats working on the Ever Given on Saturday night A huge container ship that has been wedged in the Suez Canal since Tuesday has finally been freed from the shoreline. Peter Berdowski ...
S-a împlinit, iată, un an de la atacul terorist asupra Israelului, care a marcat începerea Armagedonului din Gaza. Nu vom È™ti ...
In 1956, a brilliant diplomat named Lester B. Pearson led Canada into middle power respectability when he pulled the world back from the brink of war in the Middle East. In 1956, the first large ...
Efforts to free a container ship wedged diagonally across the Suez Canal have succeeded. The 400m (1300ft) Ever Given was stuck in the mud and sand right across the southern end of the canal since ...
Regimul de la Kremlin a investit peste 2 miliarde de dolari într-o flotă fantomă de petroliere vechi ÅŸi ÅŸubrede care transportă ilegal Å£iÅ£ei ÅŸi petrol în întreaga lume, eludând astfel ...
Anunță discursul lui Macron de la Berlin È™i Raportul Draghi o reînviere a demersului de relativă decuplare transatlantică? Ar ...
Între 21 È™i 27 octombrie, Opera NaÈ›ională BucureÈ™ti continuă seria spectacolelor memorabile, aducând pe scenă titluri clasice ...
Navigating the Suez Canal is a high-stress, complicated feat that requires master piloting skills. To demonstrate, we worked with Master Mariner Andy Winbow and Captain Yash Gupta to produce this ...
The IMF's lending to the four countries directly involved in the 1956 Suez crisis, and particularly to the United Kingdom, raised the institution's profile and established its role in helping member ...
A huge 90km landbridge dubbed Thailand's "mini Suez Canal" may soon be in the works, a move the Prime Minister believes will elevate the economy to another level. The major link would cost £21. ...
Europe is set to create its own version of the Suez Canal with an ambitious project which aims to transform the city of Istanbul into a global trade hub, with an estimated cost of £20 billion.
De asemenea, israelienii au privit cu oarecare È™oc răspunsul slab al americanilor la situaÈ›ia nebunească cu Houthi din Yemen, care împiedică comerÈ›ul global din Canalul Suez de un an întreg.