The telescope’s massive digital camera was built to take a lot of photos of the sky, in quick succession, for a very long ...
"We are determined to create an outstanding facility that will enthuse and inspire people for generations to come in the wonders to behold in a truly dark night sky." The old observatory was ...
The Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time should spot many new "dark comets" after coming online in ...
The telescope will catalogue billions of new objects and produce a new map of the entire night sky every three days with the ...
Dark comets are believed to exhibit behaviour similar to traditional comets, such as the release of gas causing non-gravitational movement, but they lack visible dust trails. The Rubin Observatory, ...
This image was captured with the Department of Energy-fabricated Dark Energy Camera ... biggest 3D map of the night sky ever made. Cerro Tololo hosts the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, which, starting ...