The telescope’s massive digital camera was built to take a lot of photos of the sky, in quick succession, for a very long ...
The telescope will catalogue billions of new objects and produce a new map of the entire night sky every three days with the ...
The Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time should spot many new "dark comets" after coming online in ...
Engaging articles, breathtaking images and expert knowledge Issues delivered straight to your door ...
Public observatory decks are your gateway to the stars and the mysteries they hold. Telescopes await eager eyes of all ages, ...
A solar eclipse crossed North America. Two robotic landers reached the lunar surface, largely intact. The most powerful ...
NASA's James Webb Space Telescope has captured a unique image that revealed 44 individual stars in a galaxy 6.5 billion light ...
Taking advantage of a cosmic 'double lens,' astronomers resolved more than 40 individual stars in a galaxy so far away its light dates back to when the universe was only half its present age.
The Winter Circle, a large circular pattern made of some of the brightest stars in the Northern Hemisphere's winter sky, will ...
A condition that can develop when someone anticipates a potentially devastating event. If you care about the climate crisis ...
Advocates for limits on indiscriminate outdoor lighting that obscures night skies worldwide are recognizing efforts by an oil ...
Though the night sky is more spectacular from a dark country sky ... you can go on a night tour at a public observatory like Sydney Observatory or an observing session with a local astronomical ...