SHIMANE—A Japanese academic has discovered a map published in the United States in 1897 that marks Takeshima ... map as evidence the islets, called Dokdo in South Korea, were internationally ...
Both sides should treat it as an opportunity, not a bargaining chip. For the first time in 11 years, the Dokdo/Takeshima dispute made its way into a South Korean president’s March 1 remarks.
Singer Kim Jang-hoon held an art show in Shanghai with pictures and art work featuring the eastern Korean islets of Dokdo on ...
in which it reiterated the argument that Takeshima, the Japanese name for Dokdo, is part of its own territory and the issue ...
The government denounced Japan for renewing its provocative territorial claim over Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo in an ...
Officials said the plane twice violated the airspace over the disputed Dokdo/Takeshima islands, which are occupied by South Korea but also claimed by Japan. South Korea's ministry of defence said ...
What are the Dokdo/Takeshima islands? How an Asian trade row could hit electronics supplies S Korea expands air defence zone On Wednesday, South Korea's government said that a Russian official had ...
The islets in the sea to the east of Korea, known as Dokdo in Korea and Takeshima in Japan, have been a prickly issue for both countries. Japan has long claimed the islets as its territory ...
Another passage regarding the disputed Takeshima islets said Japan named them after incorporating the Dokdo islands during the Russo-Japanese war. Dokdo is the name South Korea uses for the islands.
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is paying a visit to the Republic of Korea on Friday and Saturday as the relationship ...
in which it reiterated the argument that Takeshima, the Japanese name for Dokdo, is part of its own territory and the issue ...