Künstliche Intelligenz ist derzeit in aller Munde. In dem Film «The Electric State» verursacht die Eigenständigkeit der Roboter schon in den 90er Jahren Probleme. Oder ist es doch der Mensch?
A long time ago, in a California desert far, far away, a group of filmmakers, artists, and special effects pioneers made one ...
His latest project is The Love Pretender, the second album from Spiral Deluxe, a jazz fusion quartet with Moog player Yumiko ...
Batman has had several seminal stories at DC Comics, which haven't just been told within the confines of his monthly comic ...
Fast forward to 1943’s Hangmen Also Die!, a wartime thriller from exile. It’s Lang’s clenched fist against the Nazis, ...
Unvergessene Kinomomente: Wir zeigen Ihnen die 50 großartigsten Szenen der Filmgeschichte. Unter anderem dabei: Stanley Kubricks "Uhrwerk Orange", der am Montag, 10. März, bei ARTE wiederholt wird.
Hardly anyone is unfamiliar with video chatting, cell phones, drones, and robots, but do you know that these technologies ...
An exhibition features nearly 300 pieces, including illuminated books from the Middle Ages, sculptures, and videos by ...
Das Buch «Apokalypse» des Neuen Testaments hat die Kunst vom Mittelalter bis in die jüngste Gegenwart inspiriert. Die ...
Since the days of silent black and white films, directors have been conjuring doomsday stories of robots wreaking havoc on ...
In this short essay, Walter Metz explores the emotional resonance of Star Trek, as the world prepares for the release ofStar Trek Into Darkness.
Hollywood has a long fascination with exploring the lifestyles of the rich and famous, as it’s fertile ground for exciting, ...