O antigo Presidente moçambicano Joaquim Chissano afirmou hoje estar confiante de que o partido Frelimo vai "continuar a ...
The multimillion-rand luxury house in Fourways, Johannesburg, which belongs to former Mozambican president Armando Guebuza, ...
The Mozambican government is already paying the New Year bonus to state employees, and hopes to complete the payment by ...
Zimbabwe’s $21B debt and a severe El Niño-driven drought leave 7.6M people in need of food aid, as blocked funding worsens ...
The Mozambican anti-corruption NGO, the Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), on Thursday applied to the Maputo City Law Court for an injunction to prevent President Daniel Chapo from becoming President ...
Over the last quarter century, Zimbabwe has failed to pay $21-billion in debt. Now, as the country struggles with the impact ...
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has said Zimbabwe's economy has started recovering from the effects of the El Niño-induced drought, amid growing stability anchored by the central bank's tight ...
Na 38ª cimeira da União Africana (UA), que abordou os conflitos no Sudão e na RDC, Angola assumiu a presidência rotativa da organização e João Lourenço prometeu continuar esforços para a pacificação d ...
Chakil Aboobakar foi eleito Secretário-Geral da FRELIMO, sucedendo a Daniel Chapo no cargo. A eleição decorreu durante a terceira sessão extraordinária do Comitê Central, realizada na Matola, provínci ...
3 de fevereiro: Valorizar a História No dia em que Moçambique celebra o Dia dos Heróis, os antigos Presidentes Joaquim Chissano e Armando Guebuza defenderam a consolidação da paz e unidade nacional ...