Since the Supreme Court lifted its ban on capital punishment in 1976, states have used five different execution methods: lethal injection, electrocution, lethal gas, firing squad and hanging.
A short cut review was carried out to establish whether methionine was better than n-acetyl cysteine at reducing the severity of liver damage after paracetamol overdose. Thirty nine papers were found ...
School of Life Science and Technology, Institute of Science Tokyo, B-50, 4259 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8501, Japan School of Life Science and Technology, Institute of Science Tokyo, B-50 ...
This is an important and solid study that examines the role of TFAM, a protein that helps maintain mtDNA, in mtDNA mutator mice. The authors have demonstrated that TFAM's counteractive role in mtDNA ...
The mobile phase was 95% B. The flow rate was 0.7 ml/min, and the column was maintained at 30°C. The injection volume was 5 μl and the analytical run time for each sample was 60 min. Optical density ...
2007). The dried peptide samples were reconstituted with mobile phase A (2% ACN, 0.1% FA), centrifuged at 20,000 g for 10 min, and the supernatant was taken for injection. Separation was performed by ...
This is an important study that provides CCR7-APEX2 proximity labelling mass spectrometry data that is expected to provide new insights into CCR7 signaling partners and pathways. The study is ...