Actor, Ranveer Singh, is playing the role of Kapil Dev in ‘83’ Movie. Mohinder Amarnath - Vice-Captain of 1983 World Cup Team Mohinder Amarnath was named the Vice-Captain of the 1983 Indian ...
In an exclusive interaction with Sports Now, World Cup-winning cricket legend Mohinder Amarnath, along with his brother and co-author Rajendra Amarnath, opens up about their latest memoir ...
In 'Fearless', Mohinder Amarnath recounts the 1978 cricket tour of Pakistan, depicting an unwelcome derogatory comment from a Pakistani cricketer and mixed interactions with Pakistani players.
He was known to be unflinching;helped India win the ’83 World ... legendary Lala Amarnath, to his time playing for India, taking on the world’s most fearsome fast bowlers, Mohinder Amarnath ...