The star ingredient is available in five variations with sublime creations like the Wok Fried Garoupa Cantonese style served in Claypot, Steamed Garoupa with Mandarin Peels, Steamed Garoupa in ...
As they drift and melt in the Southern Ocean, they create a unique environment around them. It began with a crack. A very, very large one. In late 2016, scientists spotted a rapidly growing ...
Scientists have warned that the dangers of the collapse of a key Atlantic Ocean current that helps regulate the Earth's climate have been "greatly underestimated". In an open letter published ...
Ocean sciences span the physics, chemistry, and biology of marine systems. The field encompasses ocean circulation, energy dissipation, marine biology, ecology, biogeochemical cycles, water mass ...
It was during that journey that it took the coveted "Blue Riband" -- awarded to the passenger liner crossing the Atlantic Ocean in regular service with the record highest average speed -- from the ...
He is a board member of Nekton and Maldives Coral Institute, and advisor to Minderoo Foundation, Pew Bertarelli Ocean Legacy and CORDAP, and is a Pew Marine Fellow and WWF Fellow. The world is ...
A bleached coral is not dead, but ocean temperatures need to cool off for any hope of recovery. At least 14% of the world’s remaining corals were estimated to have died in the previous two ...
Coloque a posta de garoupa a marinar com o alho, sumo de limão e uma pitada de sal durante aproximadamente 20 minutos. À parte coloque uma panela com água a ferver para cozer as batatas e as cenouras ...
Temperar a com sal, azeite e pimenta a garoupa, corar numa frigideira bem quente e assar com folhas de louro a 170º C. Cozer e descascar as favinhas, cortar o tomate sem pele em cubos. Cozer a batata ...
The last international agreement on ocean protection was signed 40 years ago in 1982 - the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. That agreement established an area called the high seas ...
Sempre fui ensinada que se nos cumprimentam, cumprimentamos de volta; se telefonam, devolvemos a chamada; se falam connosco, respondemos; se escrevem, escrevemos de volta. Podemos chamar várias ...