Aloitteen vastuuhenkilöiden joukossa on muun muassa Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueen Pohteen aluevaltuuston puheenjohtaja ...
At launch, the Apple Maps web beta included basic functionality like searching for points of interest, seeing ratings, browsing area Guides, and getting directions. With Look Around, the web ...
2024 was a big year for the navigation software space, with Google becoming the most active player in a market where rivals were supposed to spend big dollars. Apple has been almost dormant in ...
One user told WIRED that Google Maps directed them to “drive right into a wall that’s been up since 2003.” Residents in the West Bank have long complained that missing and outdated data on ...
Hyry will make his NHL debut tonight against the Ottawa Senators. Hailing from Oulu, Finland, Hyry initially joined the Stars as a free agent back in April. Having spent the entire season with ...
While speed limit indicators are now a standard feature in Google Maps, real-time alerts for speed cameras are not available everywhere. This limitation leaves drivers unaware of upcoming speed ...
The company’s strategic decisions, such as the upcoming initiation of the Oulu mill, may exacerbate the supply and demand imbalance in Europe. Although these write-downs might artificially ...
If your phone can't get service, don't panic: You can still access Google Maps by following these steps. Nelson Aguilar is an LA-based tech how-to writer and graduate of UCLA. With more than a ...
Hudon leads this group of AHLers in goals and points with 10 and 18 in 22 games this season. Seney and Shaw both have 17 points. Hollowell leads the defenders with 15 points, Ellis has appeared in ...
Ouluun muuttanut Janika Hattula lähti etsimään lapsille leikkikavereita Kaakkurin kirkolta – Lapsiperheiden ja ikäihmisten yhteistapahtuma veti tuvan täyteen ...
Espanjassa poliisi pääsi kahden murhasta epäillyn jäljille, koska Googlen kamera-auto otti sattumalta kuvan hämäräpuuhista yhtiön karttapalveluun. Asiasta uutisoivat keskiviikkona muun muassa ...