An experimental program seeks to protect California almond trees from a pesky moth by using X-rays to sterilize the insects.
The Master Gardener Program is administered locally by the county office of UCCE (University of California Cooperative ...
There has been a decline in monarch butterfly numbers at the Te Puna Quarry Park butterfly sanctuary - a trend echoed around ...
Michigan has 11 invasive mollusks that the state wants people to watch out for. The one you might recognize the most easily ...
Bugs not only serve as pollinators but also provide biological controls for pests. They serve as prey for many species. Bugs ...
Average temperatures are warming at an accelerating rate, periods of wetness and dryness are more severe, and the Midwest -- ...
We’ve come to that time of year when we must decide how to manage the leaves that are falling on our yards and grounds. We ...
The brown winged cicada, which attacks 200 plant species, including apple and peach trees, by feeding on their sap will ...
IF you’re someone who dreams of lush greenery in your home but struggles to keep anything alive, all hope is not lost.  In ...
We initially thought it was sun scorch. But patches have also appeared on the sides of the saguaro that get little direct sun.
Now that cold weather is coming, it is time to move your plants inside for the winter. Here are some things to consider when ...
Next to weeding the garden, the chore most gardeners dread is fall cleanup. If you garden, you’re familiar with the annual ...