Gardeners are being told they should put teabags in their garden in November, but only if they rip them open first.
Plastic debris can break down into smaller particles due to different environmental factors, and become micro-nanoplastics ...
Canned foods are long-lasting mainstays in home cooks' pantries. Here are 14 once-loved canned foods that have fallen out of ...
Alternatives to petrochemical-based plastics are emerging, made from everything from banana leaves to tomato skins, ...
Primarily used in packaging, these biosourced plastics account for less than one percent of global plastic production. But ...
Fresh Del Monte went through countless trials to ensure an end product that delivers the fruit without bruising to its destination.
Make leafmould - gather up all the fallen leaves and fill either bin bags or plastic carrier bags. Seal the top, stick a few small holes in the bag - and then store for a year or more. Free compost!
Make leafmould - gather up all the fallen leaves and fill either bin bags or plastic carrier bags ... by putting in a drawer (some say with a banana). Also keep the seeds from a couple - and ...
Relying on banana water as your sole source of fertilizer may result in plants with stunted growth, yellowing leaves and other signs of nutritional deficiencies. To avoid this, use banana water in ...