We were initially impressed by the Schwinn Toddler Balance Bike, which is a heavier 14 pounds but was one our older kids chose over and over again because it moved well, with smooth 12-inch tires ...
The original Hurricane debuted way back in 1978 — and it definitely didn’t have disc brakes, automatic LED lights and a ...
Inclusive Cycling International (ICI) director Greg Milano (in yellow Jersey) poses with Kenyan para-cyclists and their guides after presenting them with tandem bicycles for competition. Kenya’s ...
The Max+ setup adds a claimed 3.6 kg (7.9 lb) to the bike, 2.1 kg (4.6 lb) of which is the removable power pack. Those figures climb to 3.7 and 2.2 kg (8.2 and 4.9 lb) for the Max++. Both versions ...
The Tucson sculpture of a javelina riding a tandem bicycle is no longer at its post. The sculpture located along The Loop was taken down early Monday for repairs following the discovery of ...
From streamlined Aerocycles and classic Phantoms to Varsity eight-speeds and Sting Ray Krates, vintage and antique Schwinn bicycles are runaway hits with collectors. In addition to the fond ...
My favorite Kern’s bike was called the Schwinn Twinn, a brown and white tandem beauty that perhaps provided more hours of sheer fun and riding pleasure than any other bike our family ever owned.
If you have more than a few cycling classes under your belt, you likely know the feeling when you're almost at one with the bike, crushing what feels like a masterfully choreographed dance routine.