The Emergency Alert System will test its communications systems Tuesday morning to prepare for tornado season.
Indianapolis residents can expect to hear tornado sirens every Friday morning as city officials test to make sure they are ...
Severe Weather Awareness Week is held annually during the third full week of March. Starting on Sunday, the Ohio EMA and Ohio ...
Fire officials said while their equipment is always ready, they are taking extra steps, including deploying additional vehicles such as four-wheel-drive units. These will help reach areas that could ...
For emergency kits, they recommend the following essential supplies: Non-perishable food (if including canned foods, remember a can opener) Additional items such as baby supplies, pet food, and warm ...
According to the National Weather Service (NWS), here are some safety tips you need to know before, during and after a storm.
As the WATE Storm Team 6 continues to track the latest data on Saturday’s weather system, there’s more on how you can be ...
As we prepare for severe weather over the next 72 hours, one organization is always ready to jump in and help those in need.
The Weather Channel warns Georgia residents of severe weather that could bring dangerous tornadoes to Georgia. Here’s what ...
An emergency kit is part of preparing for severe weather season in Kansas. Sedgwick County Director of Emergency Management Julie Stimson says even if you already have a disaster kit put together ...
The Indiana Department of Homeland Security and the National Weather Service are urging Hoosiers to take action now to be ...