Two key questions remain when it comes to the proposed red tide remedies: how to scale them up so they can treat large areas ...
According to marine scientist and University of Delaware professor Art Trembanis, we’ve only mapped about 25 percent of the ...
Competitive swimmers know that swimming underwater causes less drag resistance than swimming at the surface. Splashing around ...
Kinorhynchs are small animals ranging from 100 micrometers to one millimeter that are part of the meiofauna, a highly ...
The waters around two remote atolls in the central Pacific Ocean—spanning 18,500 square miles—are now protected from fishing ...
Advances in technology—such as microscopic imaging and molecular techniques—have the potential to transform our understanding ...
Engineering professor Natasha Smith uses her military and engineering background to teach her students professionalism.
A research expedition in the Tonga Trench filmed a Pacific sleeper shark, a slow-moving, opportunistic predator rarely seen ...
The circle of 100 foot wide body of water is so toxic that any marine life that dares to swim in it is immediately killed off.
Affiliated marine science faculty work in the areas of bioacoustics, fisheries, aquaculture, molecular genetics, hydrogeology, ecology and physiology. With access to facilities at and outside of USD, ...
It's also the only university that offers marine science courses in biology and chemistry, as well as in geology and oceanography. Here you can find vacancies at the University of Gothenburg that are ...
Since the close of World War II, more than 115 people have died from encounters with unexploded ordnance in the North Sea—but ...