“Waiting for Godard” follows a young independent director who interviews former filmmakers from the Vietnam Feature Film ...
Prior to the government bringing in the Video Recordings Act of 1984, films on the 'video nasty' list were banned from sale ...
Television in the 1970s television offered viewers some of the most memorable characters in American TV viewing history: ...
Quinn Bilodeau looks back at Chris LaMartina's Out There Halloween Mega Tape and explains why it's perfect Halloween viewing.
Stickers on the bottom of items and signs tacked to clothing racks indicate much of the inventory is from Marvel movies.
Before streaming, there was only one way to watch a movie at home and that was on DVD. Some of those old discs are now ...
The actual home used to film exterior shots of the iconic Byers’ family house from "Stranger Things" will be available for Airbnb rental starting Oct. 29.