Alpharetta, child pornography

Elvis Beltran Pineda faces new charges after over a million child sexual abuse images were found on his devices.
An employee, Tulsi Patel, was accused of sexually and physically assaulting 12 children over a two-week period.
Kids ‘R’ Kids voluntarily shut down on Friday, according to the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL).
Officials say one cigarette started a massive blaze in the parking lot of a Rowell auto shop that left multiple vehicles ...
Det. Brian Smith died Feb. 26 surrounded by family after fighting pancreatic cancer for just over a week, according to the ...
ALPHARETTA, Ga. — The state confirmed Wednesday that it denied the license application for an Alpharetta daycare where a ...
Tulsi Patel, the teacher in question, had only been employed at the preschool for two weeks before her arrest, now faces 15 ...
On March 4-6, 217 newly endorsed church planters from 30 U.S. states, four Canadian Provinces and Puerto Rico gathered at the ...