March is Red Cross Month, a time to recognize all the volunteers and the work the Red Cross does.There is always a need for blood and platelet donations. This ...
Visit, use the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS to book a time to give in March and learn more about your health. Additionally, all who come to give blood ...
The Red Cross will begin the month-long A1C screening for successful donations starting on March 1. Donors can expect to receive the results of their test within one to two weeks through the Red Cross ...
March is Red Cross Month, which highlights all the different services the national non-profit provides. All throughout the ...
Harrison, whose plasma contained a rare antibody, rolled up his sleeve 1,173 times from 1954 to 2018. The Australian is credited with helping 2.4 million babies and advancing scientific research.
(WDAM) - If you donate blood to the American Red Cross in March, you’ll get more than the satisfaction of knowing you helped someone in need. You’ll also get a free A1C test. All next month ...
Certain blood types are unique to specific racial and ethnic groups. This means donor diversity must match patient diversity. “During Black History Month the American Red Cross is recognizing ...
An Australian man credited with saving 2.4 million babies through his record-breaking blood plasma donations over six decades ...