I’m here as well to underscore Haiti’s call for more support for the MSS – to fund more personnel, more armored vehicles, ...
Together we’re expanding access to clean energy, the internet, healthcare and we’re upgrading and building railways, roads, ...
"A just and lasting peace must affirm the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence," said Secretary ...
美国国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在最近的联合国安理会乌克兰问题部长级会议上说,弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)“将继续发动他的不义战争”,侵略乌克兰。然而,为了终止战争,有两 ...
"Our countries have been working together every single day to help ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to get through the winter,” said Secretary Blinken.
Данный редакционный материал отражает точку зрения правительства США. Одной из самых отвратительных отличительных черт войны Владимира ...
"Our countries have been working together every single day to help ensure that Ukraine has what it needs to get through the ...
In the fight for our democracies in the 21st century, the front lines are increasingly online,” declared Secretary of State ...
"Drug manufacturers and cartels continue to adapt their practices, develop new chemicals, move fast to evade our efforts. We ...