On the face of it, zines and museums are not a good fit, but Lea Cooper argues, they have a lot to offer each other.
When deciding the position and installation of AV work, consider the following for each installation: When deciding the method of display for audiovisual content, it is the collective responsibility ...
We aim to create beautiful designs that balance the needs of our visitors, the conservation and interpretative needs of the object, and the curator’s or artist’s intent. When deciding the method of ...
This is Wellcome Collection’s toolkit to help project teams make exhibitions that are inclusive and accessible. We have developed these guidelines in consultation with D/deaf, disabled and ...
Exhibition texts should support visitors in navigating an exhibition, following its flow, understanding its themes and engaging with its content. We use a clear, concise and consistent approach to the ...
|Material relating to Crichton Royal Museum, comprising, a Visitor's Book, 1989-1992 and one folder of Material Relating to Hospital Items of Historical Interest, 1964-1984. Crichton Royal Museum was ...
We aim to create well-paced exhibitions with easy visitor flow. We want visitors to feel confident and comfortable whether visiting independently, socially or as part of an organised group tour.