In May, a 14-year-old IS supporter was arrested in Graz for planning an attack on Jakominiplatz - we reported. Now the court ...
A new study confirms the suspicion that the coronavirus pandemic most likely originated from a wild animal market in the ...
Ice time is starting again! And "Krone" columnist Tommy Koch dares to predict who could play which role in the ICE League ...
Unlimited help: they show their heart during the clean-up work after the flood disaster in Lower Austria: firefighters from ...
The recent case of a young woman from Vorarlberg shows that it is worth taking a closer look at the small print in tenancy ...
New allegations against Israeli soldiers following an operation in the West Bank. Video footage allegedly shows the soldiers ...
Have you ever wondered what emergency services and the like have to do in a city of millions on an ordinary Friday? This year ...
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos is currently making Amazon users smile after he left an enthusiastic review for his fiancée Lauren ...
According to a preliminary test, an ÖVP mayor from the Lower Mühlviertel region raced away from the police on Friday night ...
The number of asylum applications continues to fall. Particularly few applications were made in August. In addition, several ...
To a certain extent, politics can be divided into an age before and after social media. Social media has completely changed ...
The big clean-up after the flood of the century is in full swing. Excavators are removing trees and mud, pumps are running at ...