Vicenza: argument over a parking space degenerates into a fight with pushes and slaps, the State Police intervenes. The Police Flying Squad intervened in Piazza XX Settembre in Vicenza, where a fight ...
Naples: 1000 counterfeit clothing items seized in Vicaria. As part of its control and surveillance activities on the territory, the Naples Local Police Command conducted an important operation in the ...
Vicenza: brawl with clubs during the “Nottebianca”, the four perpetrators identified. Following the violent brawl with clubs that took place in the historic center of Vicenza, during the event called ...
Fara in Sabina: the Carabinieri arrest the perpetrator of an extortion. The Carabinieri Station of Fara in Sabina arrested in flagrante delicto a fifty-seven-year-old, of foreign origin but long-time ...
Syracuse hosts the conference “Ortigia, heritage of all: Strategies for sustainable tourism”. The Ortigia Cittadinanza Resistente Committee organizes the conference "Ortigia heritage of all: ...
Thanks to the project "EducAmbiente. A school of respect”, were guests of the Crai Sport Center, sports centre where the team trains Cagliari Football. For a whole afternoon they visited the facility ...
Pordenone: woman arrested for extortion, attempted extortion and mafia-style criminal association. The Pordenone State Police has executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure in ...
Tor Bella Monaca: two women caught selling drugs, four people seriously suspected of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing narcotics. Two women caught by the State Police selling drugs in ...
Caltanissetta: “The Dreams of Saint Joseph”, an exhibition of contemporary sacred art set up at Palazzo Moncada. Il Parish Priest Don Angelo Spilla, as part of the celebrations for the centenary of ...
Anche nello scorso fine settimana, sono stati disposti con Ordinanza dal Questore della Provincia di Bolzano Paolo Sartori specific joint services by operational units of the Bolzano Police ...
Cremona: the Carabinieri of Casalbuttano ed Uniti intercept a car with three men on board that does not stop at a checkpoint and the chase begins. The Carabinieri of the Cremona Mobile Radio Section ...
The State Police continues to carry out strict checks in the area where, on Thursday evening, following a fight over the purchase of alcoholic beverages, there were two episodes - a fight around ...